



Any math teacher will tell you that one of the hardest things to do is to keep upper grade students engaged in their lessons. Let’s face it, by the time kids reach 4th or 5th grade, they’ve usually either fallen in love with math or they’ve developed a healthy hatred for it. There’s very little middle ground. So how can you, as a teacher, create engaging math lessons that will capture the interest of your students? Let’s teach together and figure it out!

Blog Posts

Here are some helpful blog posts full of ideas on how to create engagement in your upper grade math class!

Why math project work is a must for your upper grade students.


Use these resources to create engagement in your upper grade math class.

I’m a mom, military spouse, and teacher trying to find the elusive balance of everything going on in life. I am passionate about helping teachers feel supported and equipped to meet the needs of their unique learners. Thanks for stopping by and let’s start teaching together! Read More

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