


The Ultimate Guide to Teaching Place Value for Decimal Numbers

May 22, 2023 No Comments

Teaching place value for decimal numbers can be a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be. Let’s dive into decimal place value and break it down, so that you enjoy teaching this concept and your students leave feeling confident in their new skills.

What is place value for decimal numbers and why is it important to teach it to kids?

Place value is the concept of understanding the relative position and value of a digit in a number. It’s important that kids understand place value because it helps them with all other math concepts.

Students spend years learning about whole number place value, but making the jump to decimal place value can be a big one because it requires students to understand that you can have less than one whole. Place value for decimals also introduces new ways to both read and understand numbers.

But decimal place value supports concepts like fractions, money, percents, and more. It is a critical skill that can help students connect multiple math concepts.

Read the ultimate guide to teaching place value for decimal numbers

Tips for Teaching Place Value for Decimal Numbers

So how do we teach this important skill? Here are some tips for teaching place value for decimal numbers:

Start with what they already know.

Review whole number place value. Some students may really need this review while others may be ready to jump right into decimal place value. No matter where they are, start with what they know so that you can build on it. Help them see that decimal place value is building upon whole number place value.

This video from Math Antics is a great introduction to place value for decimal numbers. He starts with whole number place value and moves into decimal numbers.

Make the connections to money.

Most students have been working with money since they were in kindergarten. The idea of dollar bills and coins is not new to them. Build your students’ confidence and show them that they have already been working with decimal numbers. Use money to show them how we use decimal place value in the real world.

Again, start with whole numbers. Talk about how ten $1 bills are equivalent to one $10. Then ask your students how many pennies they need to make $1. I bet they will immediately know the answer! What a perfect way to jump into explaining the tenths and hundredths place value.

Use base 10 blocks and 100’s charts.

Time to dust off those old “primary” manipulatives. Using base 10 blocks is another great way to build off your students’ prior knowledge and experiences.

Before you dive into working with decimal place value on paper, build numbers with your base 10 blocks. When using base 10 blocks, a flat is worth one whole, a rod is worth one tenth, and a cube is worth one hundredth.

Model what a decimal number would look like with place value—model how ten cubes can be traded for one rod because ten-hundredths are the same as one-tenth. Then, allow your students time to practice building numbers.

If you want to continue that concept on paper (or don’t have base ten blocks), use 100’s charts (blank). Each square on that chart equals one hundredth. So a full row, or 10 colored squares, would equal one-tenth add a fully colored 100 charts would equal 1.

If you shrink down the 100s chart, you can put multiples on one page and start to build some larger numbers. Using base 10 blocks and 100s charts is a great hands-on way to use tools students are already familiar with to explore place value for decimal numbers.

Using math manipulatives like place value blocks can help teach place value for decimal numbers.

I firmly believe in allowing a lot of varied practice when working with a new skill. You never know what creates that “ah-ha” moment for each student, so don’t avoid using various techniques.

Fun Ways to Practice Place Value for Decimal Numbers

Okay, so we’ve covered some tips for teaching decimal place value. Now, let’s talk about engaging opportunities for your students to practice these new skills.

Color by Numbers

Color-by-number activities aren’t just for little kids! They’re great because they provide traditional practice with the added engagement of a coloring mystery!

These color by number activities are standard-specific, so you can target the specific skill you are working on. These no-prep, self-checking worksheets align with 5th-grade place value standards and can easily be plugged into your math centers, morning work, small groups, independent practice, or used for early finishers.

The best part! Each standard-specific activity includes 3 differentiated versions. These color-by-number activities allow you to provide meaningful, engaging, standards-based practice for each student, regardless of their skill development. Check out all the place value color-by-number activities here.

Grade level, standards-based color by number activities provides an engaging way to practice place value for decimal numbers.

Math City Math Projects

Math City math projects are among the most engaging ways to practice place value skills!

Have you ever been asked… “Will I ever use this math in the real world?”. Math City is your answer! These activities provide your students with real-world applications of math skills.

Grab this free Math City project to see a real-world application of decimal numbers.

The Math City Bank project specifically practices decimal place value skills. This project allows students to see how place value for decimal numbers is used when working with money (a connection you’ve already helped them make). Use this highly engaging math project in your math workshop, for a partner or small group work, and more.

This math project also includes a differentiated version, so you can provide more support for students who need it.

Take a look at Math City Bank here.

The Math City Bank for 5th grade is an engaging way to provide practice of place value for decimal numbers skills.

The best part? The Math City Bank project is part of a larger Math City project that your students can work on all year long! Math City projects cover all 5th-grade math standards and are a great way to provide your students with meaningful, standards-based practice of real-world math skills.

Check out 5th grade Math City here!

Math City is a comprehensive, year-long project that practices place value for decimal number skills and more!

We’ve just scratched the surface of teaching and practicing place value for decimal numbers. Teaching decimal place value can be fun and engaging when you provide your students with varied practice opportunities and real-world applications! Try these activities in your classroom to see how it works for your students.

Amanda Stitt

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